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Check Mark Reminder

We have had a few inquiries as to how Green Check Marks are assigned.

Speech events: a check mark is awarded to students who finish in the top 40%, except for Impromptu, which is in the top 30%. For example, if you have 47 students in a speech event (not Impromptu), 40% would be 18.8, which is 18 check marks. There is no rounding up in any speech event. 

Debate events: a check mark is awarded to students who finish in the top 38%. We DO round up in debate events for any decimal point above .5. For example if a debate event has 47 debaters/teams, 38% would be 17.86, which rounds up to 18 awarded check marks. If a debate event has 46 debaters/teams, 38% would be 17.48, which rounds down and provides 17 check marks. All speaker point categories are still 40% and are not rounded up.


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