Washington, D.C.
Our first Alumni Spotlight of 2021 highlights John David Logan, who competed with Invictus Fides in Texas from 2012-2016. He graduated from Union University in 2020 with a B.S. in Political Science, focusing on International Relations. He now works in Washington, D.C., as a Legislative Correspondent for a Tennessee Congressman.
John David points out Stoa’s impact on him by highlighting the importance of its competitive nature in spurring him on to improve, both in speech and in life. It started from his very first tournament, where he distinctly remembers his disappointment at not competing as well as he wanted. That lit a fire in him and drove him to compete better at later tournaments.
Two of John David’s favorite events were Team Policy in debate and Apologetics in speech. Team Policy, in his words, “taught me how to be an expert in my own case while being creative against my opponents’ cases.” He noted that Apologetics was his favorite speech event “because it used my competitive drive to fuel a deeper understanding of my faith and sharpened my ability to communicate it with winsomeness.”
Like many competitors, John David continued debating when he graduated from Stoa and attended Union University. He competed for Union University’s highly decorated debate team in the International Public Debate Association, serving as Captain his senior year.
Combining his deep love for Apologetics and Policy Debate, he now works for a Congressman as a Legislative Correspondent. He notes that he chose a career in policy because he believes it is important for Christians to be active in the political arena. John David highlights the importance of both Apologetics and Team Policy in his career and life. Particularly, he credits Team Policy with teaching him the important role that policymakers have in responding to the unique challenges we face. He is excited to continue his career in policy and study the confluence of policy and faith.
The Stoa community still holds a place in John David’s heart, and he has been encouraged as he meets alumni across the country. He notes, “Stoa alumni are everywhere throughout the US. I am continually astonished by how often I see and meet people from Stoa, so it is encouraging to know that you always have that instant community no matter where you are.”