You have earned your check marks and are on your way to NITOC! Now it's time to check off this list of tips to ensure the best outcome for all your events.
Review and analyze your ballots for any changes you want to make to your script. Make your edits before turning in your script for NITOC Script Submission, April 25–May 6. Memorize any changes and stick to the script.
Read the rules of your events and email the Speech Committee if you are unclear about anything.
Familiarize yourself with the campus map.
Consider bringing an umbrella and walking shoes, but don’t forget to change into your tournament shoes before going into the round.
Watch the time! The 14-second grace period is for the judge, not the competitor.
Go directly to your competition room. On the Tabulation Ballot, there is a mark by names of the students competing in multiple events. The judges know which students may be delayed due to other events or which students may have kept them waiting unnecessarily.
Minimize chatting with the judges.
Limited Prep competitors: Refresh your index cards for your events. Don’t forget your Mars Hill binder or your Apologetics box.
Extemporaneous competitors: Be present at your draw time and proactive by walking in the room at your designated speaking time.
Expository competitors: Bring a repair kit and check the Expos rooms for electrical outlet placements ahead of time.
We are praying for you to have a wonderful NITOC 2022! Your Speech Committee