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Power of Prayer: NITOC Scholarship

Updated: Feb 18, 2024

God's answers are always perfectly timed. For the past few years, we had hoped and prayed to start a NITOC needs-based scholarship. However, a sponsor for this did not step forward. This spring, a Stoa member asked a Board Member if we had considered providing a needs-based scholarship. I was delighted to learn he wanted to provide funding for this. Amazingly, as others heard of this opportunity, three more generous donors jumped on board to provide even more funding! Their generosity enabled us to provide the NITOC Scholarship to 14 families!

God loves His people and wants to bless us when we seek Him. Praise God for this answer to prayer. I look forward to how He may use this new opportunity to bless others through giving or receiving.

Angela Childress Executive Director

In the book of Isaiah, we find this powerful promise, “God acts on behalf of those who wait for him (64:4).” Encourage us all by telling how God has answered your prayers and is moving in Stoa. Also, we gather to pray on Fridays, and you are welcome to join! Email Allisha Speed for details.


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