Your Venue Search Committee continually works behind the scenes to secure NITOC venues. The Committee works two years ahead to obtain venue contracts to be able to announce the location to members a full year in advance. With over 2000 attendees for an entire week, Stoa makes a big impression! NITOC requires 120 competition rooms, a number of administration rooms, a sizable cafeteria, and a large setting for our awards ceremony. Partnering with Christian universities who share Stoa’s mission is a win-win! Stoa gains access to beautiful campuses, and universities introduce hundreds of our outstanding students to their school.
At the direction of the Stoa Board, the Venue Search Committee is pursuing multi-year agreements with three universities in various regions of the U.S. These locations will be rotated through on a continual basis. Venue repeatability offers tremendous benefits in NITOC planning and execution, as well as significant financial savings. Feel free to reach out to us!
Gary Cardinale, Shelley DeJager, Sharon Nagatani, and Joe Schneider