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You have earned your CHECK MARKS and are on your way to NITOC! Now it is time to CHECK-OFF this list of tips to ensure the best outcome for all your events.

  • Watch the time. The fourteen second grace time is for the judge not the competitor.

  • Go directly to your competition room. Don’t make your judge wait unnecessarily. A happy judge is a good judge.

  • Stick to the script! The script approved by your NITOC script reviewer must be the script you perform. Script submissions are due by May 3.

  • Minimize chatting with the judges.

  • Limited Prep competitors: Refresh your index cards for your events. Do not forget your Mars Hill binder or your Apologetics box.

  • Extemporaneous competitors: Be present at your draw time and proactive with the judges for your designated speaking time.

  • Expository competitors: Bring a repair bag and check the Expos rooms ahead of time for electrical outlet placements.

  • Interp in a Box competitors: Bring your box to check-in on Sunday for measuring. You will receive a small sticker to mark your box for the remainder of the tournament to prove your compliance. There will be an unattended area for you to leave your box after check-in. Please remember that you leave the box at your own risk. See the NITOC website for more details.

We are praying for all of you to have a wonderful NITOC 2023!

Your Speech Committee


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