Adjudication may sound like a scary word, but is it really? Adjudications help to establish a level playing field for all students.
Everyone can work to pre-empt adjudications:
Competitors: Know the rules of your events and discuss any questions with your coach.
Parents/Coaches: Review the rules with your students and double check scripts for compliance.
Tournament Directors: Implement electronic script submission to catch rule violations before the tournament.
Tournament Directors: What if an adjudication is necessary?
Have a plan prior to the tournament.
As you investigate, consult the rules for a better understanding of violations.
Remember this is a competition with the goal of educating students.
Pray and ask God to lead you in the process.
Competitors: What if you are the subject of an investigation or adjudication?
Do not panic! Tournament officials are there to help you.
Be humble and willing to learn from the experience.
While adjudication may sound scary, it really is a time of growth for everyone learning how to be better communicators for Christ.
If you need a better understanding of the rules or detailed information about setting up a speech adjudication policy, please email